Artistic Residency Application form
The Loisaida Center Emerging Artist Residency program is a platform for contemporary, emerging artists and cultural producers working in a variety of disciplines like: music, theater, performance art, poetry, dance, visual arts, creative writing, cultural research, and more. The Residency Program has a local focus, yet is international in scope; selection criteria favors projects that explore/reflect a Latino/a/x sensibility, the challenges/diversity of our city, and engage Spanish or multi-lingual aspects. Adaptability has always been part of the immigrant ethos of the Lower East Side; thus there is a focus on artists working around questions/issues of connection, memory, community, change, displacement, mobilization, sovereignty and territoriality.
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Full Name *
If you are an artist group or collective please tell us your collective's name
Email *
Phone number *
Proposed length of residency *
Proposed Timeline 

If you choose 1, 2 or 3 month residency, how would you make use of your time at Loisaida?
Project Title *
About the project/proposition for the residency. *
Submit a short biography *
* If you are an artist group or collective please add each member's biography
Artistic Statement *
* If you are an artist group or collective please write your artistic mission.
Samples of past work. You will be required to submit up to 5 samples of your work. Applicants that do not comply with this requirement might not be eligible. *
Links to websites/publications/reviews/etc. *
Please number and separate each hyperlink giving a short description of its content.
Public Component Goals for the Residency (give 3 to 4 examples) *
To meet these goals, we usually organize 3 or 4 public-facing events. We allow for applicants to define their own terms of engagement and periodically workshop the nature of these events and activities as their residency progresses. The process-oriented nature of the residency is best suited towards emergent artists, who we often partnered with advisors within our network of cross-disciplinary social engagement. The artistic processes will be publicly showcased through performances, workshops, exhibitions, and public collaborations which engage in cross-skill building and development.
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