Joining ISDP DEI Committee
Goals: The International Society for Developmental Psychobiology (ISDP) is committed to promoting and upholding values of diversity, equity, inclusivity, and social justice. As a society, we are dedicated to combating bias in both our science and membership, and we pledge to devote time, resources, and effort towards creating and sustaining a scientific environment where scholars from all career stages and lived experiences can thrive. 

Membership: Members will be selected through an application process and will serve a term of 2 years, with the possibility of reappointment under special circumstances. The application is open to all interested parties within our organization who are committed to furthering DEI goals. 

Expectations: (1) Attend at least 3 out of 4 quarterly meetings per year and (2) Actively participate in a working group (working groups will be decided at the beginning of each year)

Please answer the following questions. The DEI committee will be reviewing applications and selection decisions will be made by February 2025
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Name *
Email *
Career Category *
Why do you want to join the ISDP DEI committee? (600 words max) *
How would your personal and/or professional experiences help further the goals of the ISDP DEI committee? (600 words max) *
How do your own intersectional identities impact the ways in which you think about and approach DEI work? (600 words max) *
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