Volunteer Survey and Reflection
We deeply value the support we get from our volunteers and hope this survey provides an opportunity forĀ  constructive feedback and reflection. Thank you for taking the time to help us learn and improve the experience we offer our volunteers. Feel free to reach out to our Director of Volunteer and Education Services with additional comments at hannah@shalomfarms.org
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Was scheduling easy?
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Would you return based on your experience?
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Did you feel like your time was valued and well-spent?
Did you feel prepared for your shift and was the experience what you expected?
How did we, or how could we, make you or your group feel safe and welcome during your volutneer shift?
What accommodations or modifications would you have wanted to make your work more enjoyable?
Beyond volunteering, what are some ways you can affect positive change on our food system? Are there resources we can provide you with to help with this?
Additional comments?
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