65th Annual Mt. SAC Relays Merchandise Vendor Application
To apply to become a merchandise vendor at the Mt. SAC Relays, simply fill out our online application form. Be sure to provide us with information about your self, your food truck, and the type of advertising or sponsorship package you are interested in. Our team will review your application and connect with you to discuss further steps. Please note: We're excited to have vendors join us at the Mt. SAC Relays! To ensure the safety and compliance of all vendors, please make sure to provide us with proof of your business license We appreciate your commitment to providing our attendees with the best experience possible!"
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Please share your first name:  *
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Please share your last name:  *
Last  name
Company/Business Name *
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Phone number *
Please kindly share a brief description or website link about your business, so we can better understand how we can work together to create a successful partnership at the Mt. SAC Relays. *
Are you interested in any addition advertising options? 
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