Passport to Peace VBS Registration Form
Please fill out a separate form for each child.

FUMC- Alvord VBS is scheduled for July 12-14 from 10:00am to noon. A small snack will be provided each day for attendees. Families are invited to join us for our big VBS celebration on Sunday, July 17 from 10:00am to noon.
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Child’s name (First & Last) *
Parent/Guardian name (First & Last) *
Child’s age *
Grade for 2022-2023 school year *
Parent/Guardian’s Phone number *
Parent/Guardian’s Email address
Please list any special needs your child may have (medical, allergies, etc) *
FUMC- Alvord VBS has my permission to use my child’s photograph publicly in VBS materials. I understand the images may be used in print publications, presentations, websites and social media. I also understand that no royalty, fee or other compensation shall become payable to me by reason of such use. *
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