StudioGnu Join Us





StudioGnu is an interdisciplinary initiative and a digital archive headed by Sheeno Mirin that links various phenomena and occurrences across the spectrum of expression to the “cultural genes” of expressive media such as music, poetry, and video from the Japanese online community, realizes them in artistic forms, and records the genesis that arises.

Under the policy of “Toward a Transdisciplinary Creation” we strive to generate novel value by integrating three actors: “Makers,” who materialize their concepts through creation; “Experts,” who possess expertise in natural sciences, humanities, and social sciences; and “Linkers,” who encompass both or none of these attributes.

We welcome the participation of all creators and non-creators alike, regardless of field, in our policy of "Towerd a Transdisciplinary Creation". If you are interested, please feel free to apply using this form.
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