Toere - Aardskip - Tours
Bespreek u aardskip toer hier. / Reserve your earthship (aardskip) tour here.
Donasies welkom (riglyn 25 Ora per persoon of 150 Ora per groep, kinders en Oranieërs gratis).
Donations welcome (guideline R25 per person or R150 per group, children and locals free).
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U naam / Your name *
Van / Surname *
e-mail / e-pos *
Telefoon / Cellphone
Wanneer wil u op toer deur die aardskip gaan? *
When will you like to visit the earthship?
Watter tyd van die dag? *
What time of the day?
Hoeveel persone? *
How many people?
Enige ander vrae?
Any other questions?
In watter taal wil u kommunikeer? *
Which language would you like to communicate?
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