NAAEE Guidelines of Excellence Training and Train-the-Trainer Workshops - Hosted by TAEE
We have an amazing opportunity to have a national environmental education guru to come to Houston to lead a Guidelines of Excellence training mid-August!! We'd like to have your thoughts on the potential workshop. Read the short synopsis of each available Guidelines training and let us know your thoughts.  
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Please complete by Thursday May 26th
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Option 1: Environmental Education Programs: Guidelines for Excellence
A set of recommendations for developing and administering high quality environmental education programs. These recommendations provide a tool that can be used to ensure a firm foundation for new programs or to inform improvements in existing ones. The overall goal of these guidelines is to facilitate a superior educational process leading to the social and environmental quality that people desire.

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Option 2: K–12 Environmental Education: Guidelines for Excellence
Provides students, parents, caregivers, educators and others a roadmap to achieving environmental literacy by setting expectations for fourth (age 10), eighth (age 14) and twelfth grade (age 18) students and outlining a framework for effective and comprehensive environmental education programs and curricula. These guidelines help define the aims of environmental education. They set a standard for high quality education, based on what an environmentally literate person should know and be able to do by the time they graduate from high school. They draw on the best thinking in the field to outline the core ingredients of environmental education.

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Becoming a Guidelines Trainer:
Trainer criteria includes: 1. Attended a previous guidelines workshop. 2. An understanding of NAAEE and TAEE  3. Have some flexibility in their jobs that they can take on the responsibility to facilitate a workshop or make a presentation once every year or two. 4. Be experienced facilitators (PLT, WET, WILD) or known to be good presenters
I am interested in becoming a Guidelines Trainer and am able to host trainings during the year! *
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