We’re so glad that you’ve shown interest in joining us for the 2017-2018 Academic year. Before you tryout and potentially join our team, we would like you to be aware of some information.


Practices will be held on Sundays and Wednesdays of every week (unless notified of any changes) from 7pm-9pm. If these days do not work for you please indicate so. Practices will occur more frequently as we get closer to performance dates.

There will not be regular required dues for this team. However, for our first set of outfits, each member needs to contribute $20 towards them. This will be due on Sunday, September 24th, 2017. For any other necessities for the rest of the year we will raise money and through bake sales and other fundraising events, which should cover all other expenses. If a financial issue arises, members will be notified.  

We only want members who will treat Afrochique as a priority so we cannot tolerate excessive absences or tardies. Therefore, each member may have a maximum of 3 absences per semester. Any further absences (except unforeseen emergencies) must be communicated to a member on the e-board prior. As far as tardies, each member is allowed 2 tardies a semester (unless communicated in advance). Members will have a 6 minute grace period for each practice before being considered tardy.

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Circle one- (if the answer is no briefly explain why. If it cannot be briefly explained send a direct message on twitter or an email to afrochique or speak with any member of the e-board.)Will you be able to make practices on Sundays and wednesdays of every week from 7pm-9pm?  
Are you a member of any other clubs? If so, which ones and what is your     position?    
Do you have any dance experience?  Yes or No If so, What type?
Do you have any African dance experience?  Yes or No
Why do you want to join Afrochique?
When is your birthday?
Sign here please:    I ____________________________________,have read and understood Afrochique’s expectations for the 2017-2018 school year.
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