Ouroborous Housing Matchmaking Survey
Hello there!

The Ouroborous Housing Society is a group that provides resources to help groups of people purchase property together. More info on the society, including Mission Statement can be found here [link].

The purpose of this survey is to help you find a group of people with housing needs and desires that are compatible with your own. This way you can find resources relevant to your particular situation and, who knows, maybe find a group you want to purchase some property with!

By filling out this survey you consent to us holding the information you enter in our database. We'll only use that information internally, to help you find a purchasing group. We will never share your information with third parties.

After you complete this survey we'll email you a link to our discord server, where all the action happens.

If you are planning to move as a partnership/polycule/(found-)family, only one person in your group needs to fill out this survey if they are happy to represent the preferences of the whole group.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
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Name *
Discord username (NAME#1234, if you have one already)
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