Clyde Park Community Garden Registration Form
Please complete this form to register for a garden plot at the Clyde Park Community Garden.

Gardeners will need to read and acknowledge the Community Garden Rules, Terms, and Conditions for Participation:

Gardeners will also need to sign a Release of All Claims. This can be signed and returned to our email ( or in person. The Release of All Claims can be found here:
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
Today's Date *
Your address (street, city, zip)
Your address will only be used to mail you information/notices concerning the garden.
Your phone number *
Email *
Do you have preference over which garden plot you rent this year? *
We will contact you with your garden plot assignment!
I have read the Community Garden Rules, Terms, and Conditions for Participation and understand that failure to uphold the rules could result in the loss of my gardening privileges. *
Please enter your name and the date.
Each plot has a suggested donation of $20.00 for rental thru 12/31/2023. *
Payment may be submitted on the church website or in person.
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