RSVP to AAJA-DC's spring picnic 🌸
🗓️ Saturday 3/30/24, 3 p.m.
Let's meet up for a picnic and enjoy the beautiful weather together! BYO snacks/drinks and any blankets, chairs, footballs/frisbees etc. Friends, partners, kids and dogs welcome :) 

Board member Kelyn Soong ( will be the point of contact for this. Any last-minute comms will be sent as an email to folks who submit this form + dropped in our AAJA Slack's #chapter-washington-dc channel (if you need to be added, let us know). 
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Let us know if you're bringing anyone or any items that might be helpful to be aware of! (ex. giant speakers; a cooler) 
Are you a current AAJA-DC member?
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