Braille for Beginners
Welcome to the registration form for Braille for Beginners On-Demand!

Once you have completed this form, you will receive an email containing a link to our pre-recorded lessons along with some other information about the course. If you live in the UK, your name and address will be passed to our trusted braille production company to enable you to receive your hard copy resources.

If you have any problems completing this form, please email
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First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Address line 1
Address line 2
City *
Postcode *
We run a weekly newsletter where we write about all the latest goings on at the foundation. Would you like to subscribe?
Course participants are able to join the Braille for Beginners email discussion group to discuss the course with other learners and the course tutor. Would you like to join?
The Braillists Foundation would like to politely remind learners that hardcopy learning resources will only be made available to people within the United Kingdom, although an electronic version in the form of a BRF file can be made available to international learners upon request.
We'd love for you to tell us where you heard about the course so we can better plan future events and promotional activities.
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