AHHS PTSO Interest Form 2024-2025
We are excited you are interested in volunteering with the PTSO!  There is a position for everyone!  If you are wanting to get involved but are concerned about the time commitment, please reach out and we can direct you to positions that require less time.  Feel free to contact Mary Pat Whiteside (2024-2025 PTSO President) at whiteside.maryp@gmail.com with any questions. Mules Up!
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Name *
Email and Cell *
Grade(s) of your HS student(s) for the 2024-2025 school year *
Would you be interested in serving on the board?  Please check any positions that interest you.

*The assignment of these positions are selected by the Nominating Chairperson and Nominating Committee*
Would you be interested in chairing a committee? Please check any positions that interest you. *
Would you be intersted in serving on a committee?  Please check any committees that interest you. *
Is there anything else you would like us to know? *
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