Holistic Diet Consultation Questionnaire
Greetings!  Thank you for reaching out to support your life!

The purpose of this questionnaire is to help us understand your dreams, desires, & challenges around food, so we may use our consultation time effectively, and to be able to recommend recipes tailored specifically to your needs & desires.  
If you prefer to answer these questions over the phone, please call us at 802.224.5433.

There are many big questions below, but only those with *red asterisks* need a response.  
Please only answer the questions that feel most relevant to you & your desires.

After receiving your form, we will be in touch to schedule your consultation. The cost of your first consultation is $0-199, sliding scale. This yields our typed notes, recommendations, and recipes sent to you after we speak.

After our initial consultation, it would then be possible to explore further options for more in-depth support - for example, we can make you a customized diet guide with menu plans, recipes, shopping lists, and more. To see what this can look like, check out our free FODMAP adventure guide at bit.ly/FODMAPguide, which we made for two friends who were going on a very restrictive elimination diet (pssst .. it's full of delicious recipes!).

Thank you for saying YES to the adventure. <3

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Are you seeking consultation for just yourself, or for your household?
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By what name(s) do you prefer to be called? *
What pronouns do you use?  Thank you. <3 .
What is your preferred email address (or other preferred contact information)? *
Do you have any known dietary needs or restrictions? *
What could your fullest, most vibrant relationship with food & health look like?  How might your life be different if this became a reality? *
What do you most want to be eating?
What do you see as your body’s/family's ideal diet?
What are your top three food or diet challenges? *
What or how much does your present diet cost you (in money, emotional labor, integrity, etc.)?
What is your diet like now? What's a typical food-day or food-week like for you?
How much time are you investing in food preparation & procurement?  How does that feel?
How is your shopping/food acquisition game? Challenges?  Blessings?
Does food happen collectively at Home?  Do you shop, cook, and/or eat with others?
How are you currently addressing the challenge of changing your diet?  
How do you feel about changing your diet?
Have you accomplished large transformations before?  If so, how did you do it?  And how did it feel?
What kind of support would you need, do you think, to make the necessary changes?
Is there available time in your life right now, in which to invest in your diet?  When can shopping & food preparation happen in your week?
Are there presently opportunities to have fun with food & diet in your life?
What do you want most out of this food consultation? *
When are you typically free to speak (for a 30 to 60 minute consultation)?
Note here any specific time availabilities that would need be met.
Over what medium(s) would you like to consult with us? *
What ought we have asked that we didn't ask?
Is there anyone else in your life that needs diet support? We invite you to forward them this form.  Thank you. <3 .
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