Books and Me Membership and Library Card Application
Please fill out the following information to apply for the membership of Books and Me Children's Chinese Library.  Books and Me Library is operated by Zhaoyu Cultural Foundation, a registered 501(c) 3 non for profit organization.  Membership is by family and is FREE.  (Enrichment classes do require tuitions.)

Librarians will contact you for proof of residency to complete the application.  A set of two library cards with identical Library Card Number will be issued to the member family within a week.
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Last name of representing adult from the family: *
First name of representing adult from the family:: *
Mailing address - street and house number: (must be able to provide a proof.  Cannot accept PO Box.) *
Mailing address - city and zip code: (must be able to provide a proof) *
Phone number: *
Email address: (email will be used to send over-due reminders) *
Opt out for email newsletter: *
Who refers you to Books and Library?
Referrer's Books and Me Library Card number (if known):
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