Levitation 2024 Volunteer Form

Eastercon always needs volunteers, and we can find a role for everyone. Roles include helping with the convention build, supervising programme rooms, helping on the registration desk, with access and with many other areas.

You can decide how long you volunteer for. Some people spare just an hour, others choose to help out through the whole weekend. Every little bit helps, and every bit is appreciated.

We will support you with training where needed: you will never be left on your own. Opportunities are available for all, whatever your interests and abilities. As a thank you, we'll give you vouchers, known as Groats. You can use these to buy food and drinks from the site, artworks from art show, and items in the dealers room. We also have a tradition of producing thank you t-shirts.

If you have any questions please contact: volunteers@eastercon2024.co.uk 

Volunteers at all levels of the convention are eligible for bursary support if they meet the eligibility criteria.
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Are you happy for your name to be included in a database to be passed for future eastercons?  *
If you have a preference for which areas you wish to work for, please check the relevant boxes.
If you are interested in supporting Virtual Delivery please indicate what areas below.
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