New Hope LifeGroup Sign Up.                                 Life is Better Together!

Please fill out this form, and we will connect you with a Life Group where you can grow in your relationship with the Lord and with other people.  Please choose the LifeGroup that you would like to join from the list below.  If you select a LifeGroup that has filled up, we will reach out to you and visit about other LifeGroup Options.  Some of our groups are able to accommodate children/youth, and some are not.  They are listed as such below.

For any questions or information, contact Pastor Michael at or 512.759.2665.

If you would like to Host and/or Lead one, please let us know that in the comments section below. We're looking for more groups to begin and could use more groups.  Small Groups or Large Groups...we just want people growing in the Lord together!

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Email *
Family/Individual Name *
Please list Adults Attending the LifeGroup and any children/youth and the children's/youth ages  *
Email Addresses for All Adults (if different than above)
Phone Numbers for Adults *
Address, City, State, Zip *
Please check the LifeGroup you would like to join.  If a LifeGroup is full, and not labeled as such below, we will reach out to you.

If simply interested in a group, sign up, and the leader will reach out to answer any questions.  Days, Times, and Frequencies are subject to change based on Group Needs, but these will be determined by the group as a whole.  Just sign up, or reach out to the leaders if interested.

Each Group comes together at the beginning of the semester to determine food options, meeting structures, etc. based on the group needs and families involved.  We know our families are busy, and that is why we want each group to develop a schedule that works for them.

Life is Better Together.  Join a Group!!!!
Would you be willing to lead and/or host a LifeGroup?  Please let us know.
Any other comments or questions for us?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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