1-on-1 Online Presence & On-Camera Confidence

Let's Get You Camera-Ready!

Ready to elevate your online and on-camera presence? I'm eager to learn more about you and your goals!

Tell me about your journey and ambitions in the fields below. Whether you're a business owner, content creator, a professional in your field, or simply passionate about video, I'm here to listen.

Affordable Excellence: Your investment in personalized video training is designed to fit your budget. Please select one of the options below that best aligns with your goals, or choose "Help Me Decide" if you're unsure.

Your Next Steps:

  1. Complete this form to share your goals and vision.
  2. I'll be in touch for a quick chat (video call optional) to learn more about you.
  3. We'll finalize payment and schedule your first training session, where we'll start amplifying your message through the power of video!
Trainings options details to choose from on the below form:
  • Intensive 1:1 Training (3x/week for 3 weeks): Rapidly transform your on-camera presence in just three weeks with personalized guidance and dedicated practice sessions.
  • Customized On-Camera Confidence & Video Training (1x/week for 5 weeks): Build lasting confidence and video skills through a tailored five-week program, perfect for those seeking steady progress.
  • Fast-Focused Video Training/Coaching: Get quick, actionable feedback on your video technique – ideal for a fast boost or refresh.
You can also request help to choose which one fits better your needs.

Ready to create content that resonates and leaves a lasting impact? Let's work together to unlock your on-camera confidence and create videos that captivate.

Complete the form below, and let's get started!

Warmest Regards,

Website: simonemony.com
YouTube - Instagram - Facebook

Email *
How you want to be called *
What type of videos is your goal to create *
Share a little about your professional world! What kind of business do you run? What's your personal brand about? What do you do professionally? The more I know, the better I can help you achieve your video goals!
List your Social Media accounts handle or URL - i.e www.instagram.com/YourAccountName or IG: YourAcountName. Same for Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.
What type of phone do you use *
What your level of knowledge in video editing *
Do you want to focus more on *

No Worries, No Payment (Yet!)

There's no charge at this stage. After our 15-minute discovery call, we'll discuss the investment for your chosen program.

I'm ready to invest in myself and make an impact with video!

Tell me anything you'd like! What are your video aspirations? How do you envision using your videos? Any information you share will help me tailor our conversation to your specific needs. *
I'm curious, how did you find your way to me? Let me know if you discovered me on Instagram, Facebook, or elsewhere. And if a friend recommended me, please share their name and social media so I can send a big thank you their way!
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