Volunteer.legal is a web application intended to facilitate volunteer coordination for large scale immigration workshops. It has been created by 100% volunteer effort, and is being given to nonprofits 100% free of charge. Organizations can currently only get access by requesting it using this form.

Some important items to consider: while volunteer.legal is being actively used by several collaboratives to organize immigration workshops, there are still bugs. It is the developer's (John's) intention to fix all bugs that he is made aware of, but this is a volunteer project so he's not making any promises. Additionally, there are currently no global backups of the system. If something goes horribly wrong (and, fingers crossed, that won't happen) all of the data in the system could be irretrievably lost. You will be using this system at your own risk. That being said, everyone's definitely going to try and make sure that doesn't happen (and you can choose to manually export your data from volunteer.legal and save it locally, as a spreadsheet file).

Finally, you are being granted permission to use this system, but that permission can be revoked at any time. Specifically, gross negligence on the part of an individual user or organization, that negatively impacts other organizations / users of the system, could result in accounts being banned.

Anyway, I think that covers the negative stuff. I made this application because organizing immigration workshops using Google Forms is ridiculously tedious and time consuming--and amazingly, existing volunteer coordination applications (Fundly Connect, HandsOn Connect, Volgistics, NationBuilder, Raiser's Edge, 15+ others...) are all really really poorly made (and they're all so expensive?? I thought volunteerism was about NOT charging people...). In the end, I think the volunteers suffer, the work suffers, and the clients suffer. Volunteer.legal should make your life WAY easier (which will allow you to help more people) while also improving the volunteer's experience. If it doesn't, let me know.

--John (the developer)
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