Wakefield FFA Officer Application 2025-2026
Think you have what it takes to make one of these corduroy blue jackets look good?  Fill out the application below by Friday, April 11th, 2024 (by 2:30pm) and prepare yourselves for interviews after the application window closes.
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Name (Last, First): *
Student Cell Phone *
Current Grade Level *
FFA Experience (Classes, Programs, Extracurriculars, etc.) *
Agriculture Education class(es) enrolled in 2025-2026 School Year (NEXT YEAR): *
Officer position you feel you would best be suited for (Choose top 2 choices) *
Why have you chosen the selected positions from above? *
What is the importance of the Wakefield FFA? *
Why do you want to be a chapter officer? *
Describe 3 leadership qualities you possess that would qualify you for a chapter officer. *
How would you obtain more FFA members? *
How would you obtain more FFA Supporters (Alumni)? *
What activities would you like to see the FFA involved in? *
List all the extracurricular activities that you are in (i.e. other clubs, sports teams, etc.) besides the FFA. *
When do the activities from the above question take place (i.e. Summer, Fall, all school year, etc) *
Select one of your personal qualities and explain how it will be of value to the chapter officer team. *
What is your greatest weakness and why? *
What makes a great leader? *
What two FFA competitions could you see yourself competing in? *
List and describe 3 new activities for next year's FFA officers. *
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