Join Boss Boleh's e-Invoicing Workshop Now for FREE! 免费报名参加电子发票线上分享会

Join our Boss Boleh e-Invoicing Webinar and Software Workshop online for FREE and unlock your exclusive 30-day FREE trial of the Junior Boss Plan!

参加我们的 Boss Boleh 电子发票线上分享会和软件工作坊,并解锁您独享的30天免费试用 Junior Boss 软件!

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name 姓名 *
Phone Number 手机号码  *
* Please provide an ACCURATE phone number to receive a WhatsApp reminder.
* 请填写正确的电话号码以接收 WhatsApp 提醒
Email Address 电子邮件
* Please provide an ACCURATE email address to receive the online link for the e-Invoicing webinar and software workshop.
* 请提供正确的电子邮件地址以接收电子发票分享会和 软件工作坊的在线链接
Job Title 职位
Company Name 公司名称
Industry 公司行业
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask
Please select your preferred e-Invoicing Webinar and Boss Boleh Software Workshop
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通过提交此表格,我同意并允许Malaysiakini和Boss Boleh收集和存储我在此表格中提供的资料,以获取更多活动更新和详情。
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