Early Graduation Application Form
You have expressed interest in terminating your high school education early.  In the interest of helping you make an informed decision, we ask that you copy/paste the link below and read the attached information regarding various opportunities available to enrolled high school students.  Our purpose is not to change your mind, but rather to give you a full picture of options so that you can design a plan for the future that best meets your needs.

Please take some time to read and review possible programs available to seniors contemplating graduating early.

Advanced Placement (AP) Courses are college level courses that are taught within our building.  Students may receive college credit at colleges/universities if they score a 3,4, or 5 on AP exams.  Awarded credit differs by university.

Transcripted Credit allows students to take courses that are articulated with Chippewa Valley Technical College for both high school and technical college credit.

Project Lead The Way (PLTW) applies science, technology, engineering and math through a project based, hands on approach.  Students who successfully complete PLTW courses AND earn a specific score on the final are eligible for college credit at some universities.

Early College Credit Program (ECCP) allows students to take courses at the university for both high school and college credit.  There are specific guidelines and timelines for this program.

Start College Now allows students to take courses at the technical college.  Again there are specific rules for participation and application deadlines for this program.  Accepted students would receive both high school and college credit.

Cooperative Academic Partnership Program (CAPP) courses are designed for students who wish to take some courses that are through the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh.  Students receive both high school and college credit and students can transfer those credits to other schools.  Course offerings are limited currently, but potentially could expand in the future.
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I understand the opportunities the Chippewa Falls Senior High School has to offer.
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