Macaroni Kid Modesto- Business Directory Profile 

Welcome to the Macaroni KID Modesto Business Directory. The Business Directory is found on the website here:

Macaroni Kid Modesto is quickly becoming the go-to resource for family fun in the area. Your listing would be able to reach these families in our weekly e-newsletter and on our website.

Please complete the form below to get your business added. 

***Please only complete the items below that you want included in your Business Directory Listing. Certain fields are required, but others are optional.

Please email with any questions.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Business Name *
Short Description of Business *
2-3 sentences
Full Description of Business *
Can be the same as short description if you wish
Business Address *
Please indicate under "Any other information...." if you do NOT wish for your address to be published in your listing
Website *
Business Email *
This will be displayed on your listing. If you prefer to be contacted at another e-mail address please indicate that under "Any other information..."
Business Phone Number *
Facebook page (if you wish to include it) *
Instagram page (if you wish to include it) *
Contact Person's Name (will not be published, this is in case we have questions about your form) *
Are you a Macaroni KID Modesto Subscriber? *
I highly recommend that businesses subscribe to this free community resource to be able to see not only your directory information, but also to see what is happening in the community. I will use the email address you provided above. I never sell or give out your email address and you can unsubscribe at any time.
I would like to further advertise my local business via...  (Check all that apply - Note this is not required, your directory listing will be placed regardless this is an added-on option) *
We have the ability to place website ads within our newsletter and on our website. We also offer featured advertorials (an article in one of our upcoming issues), dedicated email blasts and other seasonal advertising (Camp Guides, Preschool Guides etc).
Town, Zip in which your business is located *
Any other information you need us to know? Or any other way we can assist you?
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