Member's Survey 2024
The aim of this questionnaire is both to find out what our members want from The Mendip Society and to understand what skills and talents we have hidden amongst our membership.  Essentially, we want to engage more of the society's members in active participation to improve our society and its activities for all.  

In the following screens you will find a series of questions, some with tick boxes or menus to pick from, some with spaces for your own comments.  The aim being to show you - and us, the committee, just what a valuable, and largely untapped  resource we have within our ranks.  

Please don't worry that by filling this in you are in some way "volunteering" or committing yourselves to anything.  Yes, we may ask you if you are willing to help out, or to put your talents to good use, but nobody is under any obligation whatsoever to do more than they are willing and able to.  

However, this is not just about volunteering and giving your time to the society.  We also want to know what you want, expect and need from your membership.  So you will also find a section with questions about what sort of events and activities you enjoy at the moment and what you would like to see / do more of.  

As an added incentive, we are holding a prize draw using all the responses we get unless you opt out at the end.  The winner will be picked at random before the publication of our next newsletter and will win a copy of National Parks of the United Kingdom: The UK’s most inspiring landscapes.  
We do hope you will enter, and that you will enjoy the prize, but please note that no alternatives will be offered.  

Please be assured that details collected by this survey will not be used for any other purposes than those clearly stated above, and will never be shared with third parties or sold on in any form.  See the final section for details of how we handle and store your information.  To comply with GDPR we will also ask for your express permission to store your information and contact details on our database, and explain your right to change your mind or withdraw any part or all of your data at any time.  You can read our full Data Protection Policy here:

Thanks in advance for your participation.  Our aim is a happy, active membership, your participation in this survey, and in the society's activities generally will help.  
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