Speaker Consent Form - TTIC
Speaker Consent Form
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The Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago (TTIC) would like to record your upcoming presentation at TTIC. Please confirm your permission for the recording of your presentation and TTIC’s rights to use, distribute, copy and edit the recording, in whole or in part, in any form or media for non-commercial, educational purposes, and to grant rights to third parties to do any of the foregoing, by signing below.
Print Name *
Title of Presentation *
Date of Presentation *
Do we have permission to live stream your presentation? *
Do we have permission to record your presentation and make it available offline? *
Do we have permission to make the presentation available on the TTIC webpage? *
This presentation may be selected for sharing on the TTIC YouTube channel. If you do not consent, please opt out *
Please list any additional request or restrictions.
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