HRA Party report back
Use this form to let us know how your party went. This will help us to keep track of the growth of the movement for a Human Rights Act in Australia and provide any support needed to yourself or attendees.
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Email *
Who was the host?
First & last name
When was your HRA Party?
What were the main issues that were important to people?
What were the main barriers identified to gaining action on these issues?
Did anyone raise any additional barriers to supporting a Human Rights Act?
If 'No' leave blank
Did the conversation take any unexpected turns that made it better (or worse)?
If 'No' leave blank
Were any difficult questions raised that you would like more information on?
If 'No' leave blank
To the best of your knowledge, have or will any of your attendees take further action?
Tick any that apply
Please provide any additional feedback below
If you don't have any, please leave this blank
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