de Havilland Aircraft Museum Group Visit Request
The de Havilland Aircraft Museum welcomes the opportunity to share the world leading aviation achievements of the de Havilland Enterprises with you and your group.  

This form will be used to coordinate your visit and ensure that together we provide a valuable and insightful experience for your group.
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Email *
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What is the nature of your group visit? *
Name of group? *
Name of main Point of Contact (POC(s)) for the visit?  *
Best email to contact the POC?  *
Best phone number to contact POC?  *
Best day or time of day to contact POC? *
Approximately the number of adults attending?  *
Approximately the number of children attending?  *
Desired date to visit?  (Please note we are closed on Mondays year round and on Monday and Tuesday during our winter hours.) *
Are there alternate dates if your desired date is unavailable?
Desired arrival/start time? *
Desired end/departure time? *
What is your transportation plan?  For example, are you coming by bus or individual vehicles?  How many vehicles are coming so we can ensure there is adequate parking? *
What arrangements are you planning for coffee/tea/snacks/lunch?  We have a small cafe with a limited menu or we can arrange catering at an additional cost. *
Do you have any group members who have physical disabilities?
Do you have any group members who have any other needs the Museum should be aware of (food allergies, etc.)? *
By completing this form and submitting it you consent to your personal data being held securely in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation and our Privacy Policy which is available on our website at 
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