Education Program Reservation Request - Carolina Raptor Center
Thank you for scheduling a program/event with Carolina Raptor Center! Please fill out this request form for the following programs: formal education programs at your school (outreach), formal education programs at Carolina Raptor Center (onsite).

Onsite programs are available between: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Monday - Friday (NO Mon/Tues November 1 - March 1)
Outreach programs are available between 11:00 am - 2:00 pm Monday - Friday

Here are descriptions of our program titles you can choose from: 

Here is information on curriculums: 

Here is the form to add owl pellets to your program: 

FAQs here: 

Should you have any questions about your program/event and this request, please contact our Programs Department at

You will be issued an invoice when your program is scheduled. Your program is NOT scheduled until you receive a confirmation email from Carolina Raptor Center, sent to the email address you give above! Please add us to your contact list to ensure the email does not go to spam. A deposit of 50% of your program fee is required to confirm your program.

**Program reservation requests are processed every few days.  You will receive a confirmation email with your scheduled date and time to the email address you provided on this request form.**
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