RSVP for November 20th BJCP Workshop: German and Czech Lagers


The second in our series of 2019/20 monthly workshops on beer evalution and tasting, leading to the BJCP tasting exam in May 2020.  Anyone interested in tasting and sensory evaluation of beer is welcome to join us, whether you are preparing for the exam or not.  

We will focus on this workshop on German and Czech lagers.  We will talk through the styles and taste and evaluate four examples.  

We have four main goals for the workshops:
-  deepen your understanding of beer styles
-  develop a solid understanding of the elements for evaluating beers
-  through sensory evaluation practice, develop your palate on a variety of beer styles
-  enhance your ability to articulate what you perceive (and fill out the BJCP scoresheet)

We'll meet on Wednesday November 20th, 6:00 pm at Great Central Brewing's tasting room, 221 N. Wood.  Easily accessible by CTA (two blocks from the Green/Pink lines and the Damen/Ashland buses.  We should be done by 7:30 or 8:00 pm.  

Please RSVP below.  

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