Survey: Selecting Your Ideal Podcast Guest
The information from this survey will be used to support content and strategies described in the upcoming book by Rich Perry and Michael Ruth. 

The book will focus on marketing and communications strategies for small to medium-sized businesses.
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Email *
Full name *
Podcast name (If more than one, please select one for this survey. You may fill out additional surveys for each show.) *
Website and/or podcast URL *
Select your podcast genre *
Select your podcast format *
Select your preferred way to receive a pitch from a potential guest? 
(If more than one, please select your most preferred method.)
What other factors do you consider when selecting the ideal guest? (Check ONLY those that are most important to you as a podcaster.) *
You just approved the person as a guest on your show. How do you typically follow up? *
Do you have a formal guest packet that provides show expectations, best practices for a successful appearance, and tips for marketing the episode? *
Do you invite guests back on your show for follow-up or recurring appearances? *
Would you like to receive a free copy of our book once it's published? *
Do you have any additional insights, lessons, or advice you'd like to share that will be helpful to the content or context of the information in this survey? 
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