Sensuality Temple Retreat - Registration
18. - 21. May 2023
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Welcome beautiful being, we are looking forward to this special retreat. Please fill out the following questions. Thank you!
Your name *
Your phone number *
From where do you travel from, if by car? *
Are you living in a male or female body? *
How old are you?
Your Facebook profile
Describe your intention for coming to this Temple Retreat: *
Do you have any experience with Tantra Conscious Touch, Temple Nights, Conscious Sensuality or similar? If yes please describe what workshops/experiences you attended. *
From 1-10 how easy is for you to express your desires & boundaries? 1 = very difficult , 10 = I am a master *
Agreements of the retreat
I agree to take care of myself and to intend to take 100% responsibility for my actions & experiences *
I agree to respect boundaries of others & to do my best to communicate my boundaries & desires *
I agree to listen to my body & to my emotions and to be gentle with myself. *
I agree to slow down my reactions & to be open for guidance and feedback from the facilitators *
I agree to be honest to the flow of love and sensuality through me, and support others in following their honest sensual flow. *
I agree to respect the sacred space, to stay sober and not bring any alcohol or other substances to the retreat *
I am aware that this retreat may evoke intense sensations, emotions and includes movement, active meditations, and sensual practices. *
I agree when I'm triggered to talk directly to the person I'm triggered from, and not gossip or talk behind the back of anyone. *
I am aware that it is up to me to take a break or rest when I need to. *
I agree to let the facilitators know if I need support or I am having a hard time with myself. *
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