South Dakota Shakespeare Festival Board of Directors and Volunteer Interest Form
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Email *
Phone Number
Number of years you have lived in/around Vermillion (if applicable)
I am interested in serving on the South Dakota Shakespeare Festival (SDSF) Board of Directors
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I am not interested in serving on the Board of Directors, but would be interested in serving on a Board Committee, or volunteering in other ways
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I am interested in serving in the following ways:
Prior nonprofit experience and/or Board experience (if any)
Present and past community volunteer activities
Why are you interested in volunteering with the SDSF?
What unique skills or experience do you have which would benefit the SDSF?
Are there any particular projects, programs, or goals you would like to see achieved while volunteering with the SDSF?
If there is any other additional information you feel you'd like to share with us, feel free to do so below.
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