Evaluation of the Volunteer Directors
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Which director are you evaluating? *
How well did you get along with this volunteer director? *
Not at all
Very well
Please explain
How well did this director handle stressful situations? *
Very poorly
Very well
Please explain
How well did this director handle conflict? *
Very poorly
Very well
Please explain
How well did this director interact with the volunteers? *
Very poorly
Very well
Please explain
How well did this director interact with the kids at Hogar de Angeles? *
Very poorly
Very well
Please explain
How well did this volunteer director interact with the babies? *
Very poorly
Very well
Please explain
How well did this director interact with the older kids (3-18) *
Very poor
Very well
Please explain
Was this director well organized *
Please explain
Do you feel like this director handled finances responsibly? *
Please explain
Was this director a good leader? *
Please explain
Was this director a good example to the volunteers in all situations? *
Please explain
Was this director inclusive of all religions? *
Please explain
Did this director try to push their religious beliefs on anyone? *
Please explain
How well did this director handle safety issues? *
Very poorly
Very well
Please explain
Do you feel that this director should be able to return as a Volunteer Director again in the future? *
Please explain
What were some strengths or positive attributes this director had? *
What were some weaknesses or negative attributes this director had? *
What are some ways that OSSO can improve the Volunteer Director position to better help the volunteers have an enjoyable experience? *
Thank you so much for your service with OSSO! We couldn't do what we do without volunteers like you!
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