WWNA 20 - Virtual event
Dear friends and Applied Anthro community,

We believe that getting together physically in Prague later this year might still be complicated for many people. For this reason, we are postponing  “Why the World Needs Anthropologists: Mobilizing the Planet”'s physical symposium to spring 2021.

However, we still want to hear from you in 2020, which is why so we are preparing a virtual gathering that will take place mid-October!!!

Like us, you've probably been in one too many webinars. Maybe you want one more. Maybe you want something else entirely. What would be your preferred format for this event? Let us know by answering the survey below! (1-2 min)
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What would you value the most in a WWNA digital event?
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Let us know what your thoughts, concerns, opinions are. We love to hear from you!
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