Guest Writer Inquire Form
Thank you so much for your interest in being a guest writer on the Children In Motion blog!

Here at Children In Motion we strongly believe that building a community that not only embraces, but understands how to support uniquely wired children starts with education - and the blog provides a perfect avenue to do so. Our approach to pediatric care is holistic, so we are always open & eager to collaborate with other professionals to learn from their experiences & hear about their perspective.

Please fill out the following form so I can get to know you better - I'm looking forward to reading your responses & connecting with you. We'll be in touch! - Sage
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First & Last Name *
What is your profession? *
Website (if you have one)
How did you find Children In Motion? *
Tell us a little about yourself - what is your background? how much experience do you have? what are you passionate about? what are your goals? who do you normally work with? where do you call home? *
What inspired you to want to be a guest writer? *
What would you like to share, or educate our community about? *
Have you written for another blog as a guest writer before?
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If yes, please explain further
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