Prime Avenue Brand Ambassador Application
*Limited Spots Available*
Email *
Name *
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY) *
How did you hear about Prime Avenue? *
List all of your social media accounts you'd promote Prime Avenue, along with their handles. Your accounts should be public of course. (Ex. Instagram - @PrimeAvenueApparel , TikTok - @PrimeAvenueApparel) *
Spots are limited, so if you were chosen and had to estimate, what would be your weekly amount of sales? (Ex. 15 sales a week) *
We want our brand ambassadors to be happy showing off our gear! We would want to give you a 35% off code for the site to get everything you need in order to promote. Can you do this? *
How can you use your gifts/talents to bring people closer to Christ and grow our brand? *
Additional comments you'd like to add?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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