Online CRAAP Test
Rate your resource according each question's scale. Subtotal the points in each of the five sections, then add the subtotals to compute a final score. Use the key at the end to help determine whether you should use the resource for your research.
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1. Currency
Is the resource's timeliness aligned with your research task? For example, a five-year-old article on the French Revolution may be suitable, but a five-year-old article on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is not.
1.1 - When was the information published/posted/revised/updated?
A long time ago, or cannot tell
Very recent
Clear selection
1.3 - If an online article, are the links functional?
Many dead links
Only active links, and speedy navigation
Clear selection
Point subtotal for "Currency"
2. Relevance
How well does this resource meet your information needs for this research task? For example, an article can be very interesting and well-written. It can be accurate, and provide insight, but if it does not meet your research needs, it is not relevant to your inquiry.
2.1 - Does the information (content) relate to your topic or answer your question?
Extremely relevant
Clear selection
2.2 - Is the information (content) suitable for the intended audience?
Customized for intended audience
Clear selection
2.3 - Is the information presented at an appropriate level?  
Targeted to audience ability level
Clear selection
2.4 - Would this information be an appropriate source for a research paper?  
Excellent for a research paper
Clear selection
Point subtotal for "Relevance"
3.1 - Who is the author/publisher/source/sponsor?  
Cannot find
Explicit author/publisher/source/sponsor description
Clear selection
3. Authority
What level of expertise can you attribute to the author?
3.2 - Are the author's credentials or organizational affiliations given?  
Cannot determine credentials
Credentials are described in detail
Clear selection
3.2 - What are the author's qualifications to write on the topic?  
Cannot find or the author has none
Qualifications suggest expertise in this content area
Clear selection
3.3 - Is there contact information, such as a publisher or e-mail address?    
An "About" page is usually helpful for learning more. Mission statements are also good indicators.
Multiple ways of contacting author/publisher/source/sponsor
Clear selection
Point subtotal for "Authority"
4. Accuracy
To what extent can you rely on the truthfulness of the article? Are the facts correct?
4.1 - Where does the information come from?    
Cannot tell or unreliable source
Explicit references to quality information
Clear selection
4.2 - Is the information supported by evidence?
Ample and strong evidence to support content
Clear selection
4.4 - Is the resource objective?
Subjective resources including blogs, editorials, or OP-ED columns may support research but the user should acknowledge point-of-view or bias. Authority plays an important role in the validity of opinionated resources. For example, New York Times OP-ED columnist Thomas Friedman's expert opinion may support research on the global economy, but a researcher should not necessarily give his opinion as much weight in a field where he holds little or no expertise, such as nutrition. All of this should be factored into the rating.
Unfounded opinions
Substantiated information delivered rationally
Clear selection
4.5 - Is the resource rich in unfounded superlatives?
Are there vague or sweeping generalizations that aren't backed up with evidence? This could include an unusual reliance on descriptions that suggest something is “best", or “worst" or extreme quantification such as always, never, most – particularly when these statements are not substantiated with factual evidence.*
Numerous unsubstantiated superlatives
Far reaching statements are substantiated by factual evidence
Clear selection
4.5 - Are there spelling, grammar, or other typographical errors?
Writing demonstrate careful attention to craft
Clear selection
Point subtotal for "Accuracy"
Why was this resource published?
5.1 - Is the purpose of the information clear?
Purpose is explicit
Clear selection
5.2 - Is the resource crafted to influence the reader?
Not at all
Clear selection
5.3 - Does the information suggest that its author may have an ulterior motive for publishing this work?
Are arguments very one-sided with no acknowledgement of other viewpoints?*
The author's integrity is undeniable
Clear selection
5.4 - Is the tone of the writing directive?
Does it instruct the reader to do behave, or think in a certain way? This can be subtle. Read between the lines.
Absolutely not
Clear selection
Point subtotal for "Purpose"
Add up your ratings.
Enter your total score here
Possible score range is 20-100
Identify your resource
Please include URL if applicable, or the title, author, publisher, and date of publication if it is a print resource.
 Additional comments or questions
90-99: Excellent
80-89: Good
70-79: Average
60-69: Borderline Acceptable
Below 60: Unacceptable
* Source: Purdue University Online Writing Lab <>
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