Community Benefits Questionnaire
Thank you for participating with this questionnaire. ARCHES will use the information you provide to inform our community benefits decisions, including implementation of ARCHES projects and how they interact with their local communities. We deeply appreciate your input and expertise.
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Your name *
What do you feel are the best resources to achieve authentic community engagement? (experts, reports, models to emulate) *
What organization are you representing or belong to? *
What other disadvantaged or minority groups do you identify with or represent? *
What community are you representing? (This is the community referred to as "your community" for the rest of the survey.) *
Do you personally reside in your community? *
What are the most pressing economic problems in your community?
What are the most pressing social problems in your community?
What are the most pressing environmental or health problems in your community?
What are the major employers in your community?
What historic environmental and social injustice has most impacted your community?
Are there any respected community or advocacy groups in your community you recommend ARCHES connect with (other than the one you represent, if applicable)?
What are your current concerns about a new hydrogen economy and any local hydrogen-related industries operating in or near your community?
If you feel comfortable generalizing, what do you feel is the prevailing public opinion in your community about hydrogen-related industries?
What, in your opinion, has been a real-world example of successful community outreach conducted in a California community (something we should strive to accomplish)?
Have you ever been involved in negotiations leading to a Community Benefits Agreement or some other type of community agreement? If so, are there any pitfalls we should be aware of? Approaches that worked particularly well?
What, in your opinion, is the most valuable or useful type of agreement or arrangement to ensure community benefits are successfully negotiated and delivered as promised?
Would you be willing to engage further with ARCHES? *
Would you be more willing to engage if compensated?  What would be reasonable compensation and for what activities?
If you represent an organization in an ARCHES community of focus, would you be willing to learn more and potentially provide a letter of support? *
If you would like to request more information about ARCHES or H2, what type of information would that be?
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