ACWAY Fellow Talks - International Day of Peace
Thank you for your interest in our upcoming webinar! 

ACWAY, in partnership with United Religions Initiative, The Network For Religious and Traditional Peacemakers, and in collaboration with the G20 Interfaith Forum Youth Working Group, invites you to participate in this webinar - International Day of Peace 2022 End Racism. Build Peace - and make your contribution to the International Day of Peace (IDP) by adding value to the conversation through building peace by addressing the issues of racism in (inter-)faith spaces. 

Date: Sunday, 25 September 2022.
Time: 15:00 GMT (please convert to your time zone)
Link: Zoom link will be shared by email.

To register for the event please take a few minutes to complete the form below. Please complete all the questions, including your own background, as we are interested in connecting with interfaith practitioners from all over with specific knowledge and expertise in order to create a network of practitioners and deepen the work of interfaith and intercultural dialogue within and across contexts. 

ACWAY Fellow Talks is an initiative to keep ACWAY fellows and their peers engaged between forums through regular virtual engagements. These online chats will include skill-building portions on highly requested topics, as well as be a space for continued collaboration, resource sharing, and networking. ACWAY Fellow Talks is an easily accessible opportunity for young people from around the world to be part of a growing, inclusive and active interfaith community. 

See you on Sunday :)  ACWAY Team 2022
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What is your Faith/Philosophical/Secular tradition? (if applicable) *
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Educational Background (Field of study, Institution, degree obtained, if applicable) *
Profession (Current role, Organization, Industry, if applicable) *
Please select the past ACWAY Forums you have attended. *
What specific areas of interfaith action, social justice, and social impact are you personally engaged in? Do you work in a specific industry/region or engage a certain population group? Are there specific skills or topics you'd like to share during an ACWAY Fellow Talk? (Use this space to tell us about yourself and what you want to share!) (200 word limit) *
What topics are you most interested in? Please share your ideas! *
What do you hope to get out of this upcoming webinar? (150 words) *
Do you have any other questions, comments, or concerns (for us to specifically attempt to address at this webinar or for future reference)? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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