Kishwaukee Concert Band New Member Sign-up

The Kishwaukee Concert Band (KCB) is a voluntary adult community organization dedicated to the rehearsal and performance of traditional and contemporary concert band music for the cultural benefit of the DeKalb County, Illinois area. Through weekly rehearsals, the band provides free concerts in October, December, March, and May. The band provides a venue for experienced wind and percussion musicians, age 18 and older, to engage in ensemble playing for mutual enjoyment and enhancement of musical skills. Membership in the band is free and unpaid.

Rehearsals run from mid-August through May, to prepare for the season's four concerts, which are held in October, December, March and May.  Please study our season schedule here.

The Kishwaukee Concert Band invites you to fill out this form if you are interested in becoming a member

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Email *
Name *
Home address *
Phone number *
Occupation  *
Primary instrument *
Secondary instrument(s)
Describe your music background, experience, and/or qualifications:
Are you able to attend rehearsals?

Band rehearsals are held in the band room at the Huntley Middle School, 1515 S. 4th St. (the former DeKalb High School on the far south side of DeKalb), from 7:15 pm to 9:15 pm on Wednesdays.  Refer to our season schedule here to determine of you are able to attend rehearsals on a regular basis.
Which concerts are you able to attend for the 2024-2025 Season? *

If it has been determined that an instrumental section is full, a qualified musician can be placed on the band’s substitutes list, to be called upon when a temporary or permanent vacancy arises in that section.  If your section is determined to be full, are you interested in being a substitute member?
It is very important that KCB members attend scheduled rehearsals for upcoming concerts on a regular basis.  Missing more than 3 rehearsals including a dress rehearsal before a concert may subject a musician to being contacted and discussion will begin on whether that musician needs a replacement.  To the best of your ability at this time, will you be able to commit to our attendance policy? *
Do you have any questions for us?
Thank you for your interest in joining!
You will receive an email stating that we received your inquiry.  The KCB conductors and section leader will begin to determine if there is an opening available.  Once a decision has been made, you will receive an email stating either your invitation to the band or if you would like to remain on a substitue list.  
Date of submission *
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