BSides Edmonton 2024 Sponsor Application
BSides Edmonton is back!  Building on the success of our last five events, we are asking for sponsors to be part of the team to deliver another first-rate cybersecurity conference in Edmonton. Alberta.  

This year, our event will take place at the NAIT Productivity and Innovation Centre.  Last year we sold out 400+ tickets in person, this year we're aiming for 500 tickets.  

Date: Monday Sept 23 and Tuesday Sept 24 2024

Location: NAIT Productivity and Innovation Centre

Are you interested in sponsoring BSides Edmonton?  We would love to chat with you!
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Sponsorship Comparison Chart
BSides Edmonton - A recap of our 2023 event
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Sponsorship Options
There are multiple sponsorship levels with varying degrees of benefits.  If you are interested, please refer to the Sponsorship Kit for more information.  We encourage participation from a wide range of organizations.  If you have an idea on a custom sponsorship please, let us know. We’ll do our best to provide a way for you to get involved.  Ideas may include but are not limited to: the contribution of additional physical space, transportation, food and beverage, contests and giveaways, media publicity or PR, and/or legal assistance.
Sponsorship level
There are two Platinum sponsorships available, and each will include the additional benefit of having a sponsored talk.  We will follow up and require you to provide speaker name and bio, talk title, and talk abstract. 

Platinum and Gold include booth space.  Silver does not include booth space. 
Additional Comments
Please use this section to provide any additional comments or questions that you would like us to address as part of your sponsorship. 
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