Math Activities Study for 3rd - 6th Graders
We are recruiting U.S. citizens/permanent residents living in the NRV area of Virginia (specifically, 3rd to 6th graders and their parents) to participate in a Virginia Tech research study on children's math and vocabulary development. Some basic information about the project is below, followed by a copy of the exact research parent permission and consent forms you would be presented with when you visit our lab for the study and the assent form that your child would see.
In this study, your child will:
Complete several math activities (e.g., comparison, estimation, problem-solving) and vocabulary activities with a Virginia Tech research assistant (45-50 minutes).
In this study, you will:
Complete a demographic survey using an iPad and a short paper form in the lab (10 minutes) while your child is completing math activities in a separate area of our lab.
This study will be conducted during one 45-50 minute session in our lab on Virginia Tech's campus, in 406 Wallace Hall, 295 West Campus Drive, Blacksburg, VA 24061.
You or your child can opt out at any point and you will be compensated ($15 cash) for your time and effort. Children will also receive some small prizes during the session (e.g., stickers, folder).