Arcadia Athletic Boosters Hall of Fame Nomination Form for an Individual
Nominations can be submitted at any time during the year but must be received by October 1st to be considered for the following year. Please complete this form in its entirety. 
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Email *
Individual Nominee Name *
Sport(s) being nominated for: *
Graduation Year *
Who was the head coach? *
Individual Nominee Mailing Address *
Individual Nominee Cell Phone Number *
Individual Nominee Email Address *
Awards and Statistics *
Please list all school records, league, district, regional, state recognitions, championships, etc. 
Reason for Nomination *
Please provide a brief narrative as to why this individual should be inducted into the Hall of Fame.
Submitter's Full Name *
Submitter's Cell Phone Number *
Submitter's Email Address *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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