City of Angels School (COAS) Student Needs Assessment School Survey Year 2023-2024
February 1, 2023
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What is your grade level? *
If you are in High School, do you know how many credits you need to graduate?
If you are in High School, do you need help understanding A-G graduation requirements.
What supplemental academic programs do you use and find most helpful? (for instance, Achieve 3000, Benchmark Universe, Big Ideas,, Edgenuity, Imagine Learning, 
I-Ready, IXL, Labster, MyMath,, and so on)

Check ALL that apply.
If you are in Middle or High School, have you taken an online course in Edgenuity?
Do you prefer learning through textbook-based courses, Schoology, an Edgenuity online course program, or a blend of these.

Check ALL that apply.
Do you go to intervention classes or after school tutoring at COA? *
If you are not going to tutoring (and you know you need help), why not? *
Check as many as apply.
Do you have the school supplies you need? *
If you lack supplies, what do you need?
I have problems with procrastination and getting my course work done because... *
Check ALL that apply.
I need help in gaining more self-confidence, feeling better about myself; expressing my feelings and thoughts.
I feel sad or depressed and it interferes with enjoying life.
Me siento triste o deprimida/deprimido e interfiere con disfrutar la vida.
*** Please be advised that this form is not to be used for an emergency or crisis situation. If you need immediate emergency assistance, please call 911. If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, you may call: LAUSD Student & Family Wellness Hotline (213) 241-3840, Monday through Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm, L.A. County Department of Mental Health (800) 854-7771, or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 988 or (800) 273-TALK (8255)***
*** Tenga en cuenta que este formulario no debe utilizarse en situaciones de emergencia o crisis. Si necesita asistencia de emergencia inmediata, llame al 911. Si está experimentando una crisis de salud mental, puede llamar a: Línea directa de bienestar para estudiantes y familias del LAUSD (213) 241-3840, de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 a.m. a 4:30 p.m. Departamento de Salud Mental del Condado de Los Ángeles (800) 854-7771, o la Línea Nacional de Prevención del Suicidio 988 o (800) 273-TALK (8255). ***
I have trouble handling teasing or being bullied throughout my life.
I often feel stressed the majority of the day.
I need help being more organized.
I need help planning my options after high school.
I know who my counselor is. *
How can City of Angels (COA) improve your independent study experience?
I would like help from my counselor.  (optional)  My first and last name is:
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