Registration for High-Level Asian Regional Disability Summit
Disabled Peoples International Korea is inviting you to the online High-Level Asian Regional Disability Summit on  Sustainable and Inclusive Employment of Persons with Disabilities after COVID-19 together with International Disability Alliance and ASEAN Disability Forum on 16th February 2022.

This High-Level Asian Regional Disability Summit will aim to discuss to explore solutions to reduce the employment gap for persons with disabilities in the Asian Region and to explore a solution to alleviate poverty for Persons with Disabilities in Asia.  

Join us to share experience on inclusive employment and livelihood, capacity-strengthening of organisation of persons with disabilities.

One week before the Summit we will send you the Zoom Link address by your email.

We will be waiting for you.

-International Sign Interpretation will be provided during the summit.
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This meeting will be recorded and made available in Asian DPO public sites. The recording may include personal data you made available during the event. (i.e your voice, name, name of your organisation), Please confirm that you consent.
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