Kimberly Clark Photo Release
Kimberly Clark may use and publish the name and/or likeness of my minor child (under age 18) identified below in all forms and media. This includes photography, film, tape, digital or any other form, and on K-C’s internal and external websites. This permission does not have a time limit and applies to use in any manner, anywhere in the world. K-C may make alterations to the likeness of my minor child. K-C may copyright the likeness of my minor child.
I waive any right to inspect or approve any finished work containing my minor child’s name and/or likeness. I hereby release K-C from all claims and liability relating to its reproduction of my minor child’s name and/or likeness as described above. I understand that K-C will be relying on this permission and that I may not revoke this permission without K-C’s consent. I understand that “K-C” means Kimberly-Clark Corporation, its subsidiaries, legal representatives, agents and assigns.