CUFSAA-NA - Membership Update Form

Please update your membership information on the form below.

Your responses are secure and will be used only for the purposes and objectives of this Association.

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CUFSAA-NA Executive Committee

[Expected time to complete the survey is less than 5 minutes.]
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CUFSAA Membership Form
Let us know how to get in touch with you so that we can include/update accurate information about you in our membership roster.

1. Your Salutation
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2. Your First Name *
3. Your Last Name *
4. Your Preferred Email Address *
5. Your Alternate Email Address (if any)
6. Your Preferred Phone Number
Please include area code and type. e.g. (330) 123-4567 (Home).
7. Your Alternate Phone Number
Please include area code and type. e.g. (330) 123-4567 (Mobile).
8. Your Street Address
Example, 1234 Your Street, Apt. # 123A. We prefer to have your full postal address, but optional.
However, please Do provide Your City, State, and Country of Residence below for our record.
9. Your City *
10. Your State/Province of Residence *
11. Your Zip Code
We prefer to have your full postal address but optional.
12. Your Country of Residence *
13. Nature of association with the Faculty of Science, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. (Example: undergraduate student, assistant lecturer, graduate student) Use comma to separate multiple entries as above.
14.  Duration of your association with the Faculty of Science, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. Please let us know the beginning and ending year of your association. (Example: 1980-1984)
DO NOT Forget to Click the SUBMIT button!
Please click SUBMIT button below, even if your information listed in the form is accurate and no changes were made, so we know you have updated your data.

Thank you!
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