Representative Boys Junior Netball Trials (2023)
Please complete this form if you wish to trial for the Rosebank Representative Boys Junior Netball team to compete at the Netball NSW Schools Cup Gala Day. This is a competitive team.

NOTE: Please make sure you are available and able to commit to trials and training before completing this form.

Date: Thursday 27th April (Week 1, Term 2)
Time: 6.45am - 8.15am
Location: Jamberoo Courts, Rosebank College

Date: Thursday 4th May, 11th May, 18th May, 25th May
Time: 6.45am - 8.15am
Location: Jamberoo Courts, Rosebank College

Date: Wednesday 31st May
Time: All Day
Location: Randwick Netball Association

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Email *
Student First Name *
Student Surname *
Year *
Have you played a Netball competition game before? *
What is your Netball playing experience? (Provide as much detail as possible) *
What is your preferred playing position? (1st OPTION) *
What is your preferred playing position? (2nd OPTION) *
I am available to attend trials for the whole duration. (Non-attendance at trials may impact selection). Trial details are at the top of this form. *
Do you have an injury that prevents you from participating at trials? *
If yes, please specify the injury, date of occurrence, and estimated date of return to play
If selected, I am available to attend training on Thursdays (6.45am - 8.15am) for the duration of term 2? *
If selected, are you available to attend every training session for the whole duration (6.45am - 8.15am)? *
Do you have any other commitments on a Thursday morning (6.45am - 8.15am) that will clash with school Representative Sport training?
I understand that if I am selected in the team, training is compulsory and that I am required to attend all training sessions. Training details are at the top of this form.
I understand that non-attendance at training may result in removal from the team *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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