Parent/ Guardian Counseling Referral
SEED is pleased to offer supportive services to help your child develop the needed skills to be successful at school. These counseling services support SEED’s belief in providing each and every student with the opportunity to learn new skills and behavior to help them in their personal, social, and academic development. Counseling strengthens the SEED philosophy by providing a safe and positive place to grow.

If a child communicates suicidal/homicidal ideations or is in crisis/physical danger (from self and others), contact CHAMPS (Child and Adolescent Mobile Psychiatric Service) at 202-481-1440 for immediate assistance or 911 in the community. If the child is at SEED please contact staff immediately at (202)248-7773 for the front desk receptionist or extension 5088 for security personnel. 

Please remember that if you suspect abuse and/or neglect, you are a mandated reporter and required to notify CFSA. Completing this referral does NOT fulfill your legal obligation to notify CFSA. The phone number to report abuse and/or neglect is (202) 671-7233.
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What is your child's first and last name? *
What grade is your child in? *
Why are you referring your child for counseling services? Please select as many as apply. *
How urgent is your referral for counseling?
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Additional Information/Observations *
What is the name of your child's Resident Advisor (RA) in the dorm? *
Parent/Guardian Information *
What is the best phone number to reach you? *
What is a current email address to reach you? *
What is the best time to call you? *
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